About Seed Survivor
In 2005, the Calgary Stampede and Nutrien lead a discussion with a Steering Committee made up of teachers and agriculture experts on the disconnect between urban and rural students. Numerous stories were shared about misconceptions in agriculture and the simple fact that less children had family members to visit on the farm so they simply weren’t exposed to agriculture. The result of the discussion was Seed Survivor.
Seed Survivor educates the next generation about the importance of agriculture and where food comes from. It is a FREE program, sponsored by Nutrien. Non-profit organizations whose mission is agriculture education (such as 4H, Future Farmers of America and Agriculture in the Classroom) are selected in each state or province the program is offered in. The role of the non-profit organization is to coordinator schools and local presenters (who are often teachers or agriculture professionals) to deliver a one-hour presentation to elementary students. All materials in Seed Survivor are unbiased, curriculum-based and factual. Every presentation explores how to grow healthy plants, how much of the earth can grow food and what can be grown locally. Students have a chance to play games and plant a seed to take home and grow!
Six displays travel North America year-round visiting over 100,000 children a year.
About Nutrien
Nutrien, who is the parent company of Nutrien Ag Solutions (retail agricultural stores), creates and sells nutrients that farmers need to care for their soil and grow healthy plants. They also provide other helpful products to farmers and give advice on how to grow the best crop on the land they manage.
Nutrien is involved with nutrients from the very beginning. In some cases they mine the raw material, like potash. They also manufacture, distribute and sell their products all over the world. Although they are involved in creating many types of nutrients, they really focuses on 3 that all plants need:

Nitrogen (N)

Phophate (P)

Potash (K)
These are considered the primary nutrients and are commonly referred to as N, P and K.
Why do we need plant nutrients?
As our world population keeps growing there is more pressure on farmers to grow healthy food to feed us all. Nutrients ensure that the soil can continue to support increased food growth. They prevent the soil from becoming tired.
For more information on Nutrien visit its corporate website.