Just For Kids

Online colouring

Online Colouring

Colouring online is easy. Just click your colours and where you want them to appear. When you’re done, print your artwork using a colour printer and show it off to friends and family!




Soil is alive with activity with billions of living things all working together in a community. These videos will give you the soil basics and make you look smart in your science classes.




Are you hungry? Grab a spoon and start cooking! These recipes use healthy ingredients and are pretty easy to follow. Depending on how old you are, you may want to get an adult to help.


Play Games


See if you can outwit the elements and master these Seed Survivor games.


Growing Advice

Growing Advice

What are the key elements for growing a healthy plant?


Nutrient World

Nutrient World

The N, P, K Gang


Top 5 Facts

Top 5 Facts


How many people live on earth now?

Find out by looking at a Worldometer. Ever wonder how we’re going to grow enough healthy food to feed everyone?